Internship Program

Abraham Lincoln High School Internship Program

Experiential Learning in the Workplace

Lincoln juniors earn credit by working one semester (typically Wednesday and Friday afternoons) with mentor-supervisors in a business, non-profit or government agency. Interns learn work protocols, new skills and develop professional relationships in exchange for accomplishing organizational tasks. No job is too small in exchange for the learning.

Stakeholder Expectations - Making it Work

  • Mentor-supervisors provide interns with on-the-job learning experiences and real organizational responsibility.
  • Interns internalize professional protocols, take-on responsibilities and complete organizational tasks.
  • Lincoln Internship Team staff provides hands-on support and conducts a seminar to train students in the skills needed to land and retain a job.

The internship culminates with the Internship Appreciation Ceremony & Exit Interviews where mentor-supervisors provide a authentic assessment and professional advice to their interns. 

To get involved, contact: Jacques Hoffmann, Director of Internships  | 917-476-5828

Benefits to Lincoln & Students

  • Accelerates teen maturation
  • Underscores the school-career connection
  • Provides students with adult  mentor relationships
  • Clarifies students’ careers interests and plans for higher education 
  • Provides a credential for college admission
  • Establishes an internal culture of employment
  • Provides visibility for the school

Benefits to Host Organizations

  • Create a no-cost talent pipeline
  • Reduce recruitment costs while building racial, ethnic, gender and social-class diversity
  • Serve under-resourced teens
  • Inspire staff with mentoring opportunities